Published Courses

[L1] Bifurcation et Stabilité. Cours d’Orsay 1972-1974 (cours de 3ème cycle) coursdOrsay

[L2] Bifurcation and transition to turbulence in hydrodynamics. CIME session on bifurcation theory and Applications . Montecatini 1983. L.Salvadori ed. Springer Lecture Notes 1057, 152-201, 1984 (6h de cours)

[L3] Local techniques in bifurcation theory and nonlinear dynamics. Chaotic motions in nonlinear systems, CISM Lectures 298, 137-193, Springer 1988 (8h de cours)

[L4] Techniques locales en Dynamique non linéaire. Méthodes mathématiques pour l’Astrophysique, Goutelas 1986. M.Auvergne, A.Baglin eds., Société Franèaise des spécialistes d’Astronomie, 3-31, 1987 (7h de cours).

[L5] Lectures at the CIMPA winter school on Dynamical systems and frustrated systems. Temuco , J.M.Gambaudo ed. (Chile, Jan 1992) (6h de cours) (based on [M4]).

[L6] The water-wave problem as a spatial dynamical system. Peyresq Lectures on Nonlinear phenomena. Kaiser, Montaldi eds, World Sci. 2000 (6h de cours) (see[63]).

[L7] Méthodes locales de théorie des systèmes dynamiques en dimension infinie (éléments - 23p.) summer course in Oléron, Sept 2001

[L8] Local bifurcations, center manifolds, and normal forms in infinite dimensional systems. Monography (329p) with Mariana Haragus. EDP Sciences - Springer  UTX series 2011

[L9] Théorie des vagues périodiques non symétriques (37p.) Winter school in St Etienne de Tinée, Jan 2010

[L10] Instabilities and local bifurcations - Elements of Theory. Ecole d'Eté Instabilités en Mécanique, Quiberon Quiberon, Sept 2015

[L11]  Application des formes normales aux bifurcations. conf ENS may 2016 video  conf ENS

[L12]  Small divisors in Fluid Mechanics. School on Interactions between Dyn. Systems and P.D.E, june 2019 CB0 CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5